What you will receive via Your Membership

*Payments are handled securely by the payment processor through Stripe or PayPal. Of course cancel at any time.


  1. Access to ALL insight, essay, and long form writings. Some of which are exclusive to members. (These are the writings which we narrate our work from that we only make available for patrons)

  2. Access to ALL spoken word insight, essay, and long form audio files. Some of which are exclusive to members. Via private blog posts as well as free downloads of all spoken word essay volumes. 

    *If a subscription isn’t your thing, you can purchase the back archives of the essays from https://gumroad.com/auroralab at anytime.

  3. Esoteric image collections featured in our various films.

  4. After 3 years of support, we’ll send you an external USB hard drive filled with thousands of philosophical / occult / esoteric e-books and spoken word audio files which has taken years to assemble. Details at https://www.nilesheckman.com/digitalarchive Per your request. 

  5. A big THANK YOU for your support!

FULL SUBSCRIPTION - $50.00 US Dollars per year contribution via CREDIT CARD:

FULL SUBSCRIPTION - $50.00 US Dollars per year contribution via PAYPAL: