We always wonder about those who purchase these lite up glowing things at amusement parks, festivals, shows etc… How long does one really keep them upon returning home?

Wong Kar Wai’s films often feature well dressed asians. We aim to always photograph the same.

Cyberpunk Hallowwen

All of NASA's space-flown orbiters were named after historic oceangoing research or exploration vessels. This one is DISCOVERY.

Service dogs must be chill, non-threatening, and also a certain height for their human to be able to reach their harness. Hence why retrievers and labs work best in this regard. This dude, while cute, received short legs on the astral dog assembly line and is thus too short to fully service the blind.

This synchronized swimming concert consisted of nearly 45 females in a pool, along with a KISS band and baby Elvis.

Waking up this morning, we didn’t expect to see a caucasian cowboy in Asian Chinatown.

This child has had a long day and is exhausted. Yet does not want to begin the long journey home cause she is having so much fun at the spinning sand table making sacred geometric patterns with her magic wand.

Most ride a very cost-effective public bus to get from A to B quietly, keeping to themselves. Some ride them with a lack of respect for the shared public space by screaming out loud, carrying a boom box, or doing something else obnoxious. But every once in a while, you’ll get a guy standing up at the very front talking to the driver so he can secretly pretend he is Keanu Reeves in the movie '“Speed”.

Only those who have taken the 350 micrograms 1960’s heroic dose of LSD will innerstand why Albert Hoffmann is surrounded by mannequins in this makeshift shrine.

If you still insist on shooting film in 2023 or 2032, I insist you are also only allowed to listen to your music on vinyl and only allowed to drive cars stick with manual transmissions.

Is this Alan from the movie The Hangover or a Bud Light drinking philosopher or someone I paid $5 to take this photograph? Or all of the above?

Musicians likely have the best opportunity to get their ART heard by literally just standing out on the street and playing to the public.

With our first native American Interior Secretary, the United States is finally maturing to the point where they are inviting indigenous tribes back to be co-stewards of public lands. Which they were before the colonizers got here.

Any lounge style area overlooking Tokyo always brings back memories of the film Lost In Translation.

Since the eyes are the windows to the soul, could this be a shadow entity rising from the catacombs below?

Prior to any public speaking through a microphone on the grounds of a government building, all politicians should be required to be sworn in under oath, just like in court.

Every once in a while, the street photographer is told to stop what they are doing. It’s the nature of this type of art form, which is usually done candidly and without permission.

If a photographer takes a picture of another photographer as that other photographer is taking a picture, and they both end up in each other’s pictures, does that create a hall of mirrors effect?

Let’s make something that is already specialty and expensive and make it more ultra specialty and even more ultra expensive.